15 Natural Home Remedies to get rid of mice

Rid of Mice

Discover 15 Natural Home Remedies to get rid of mice . Say goodbye to these unwanted guests and enjoy a rodent-free home today

1.What attracts mice to homes & Buildings? 

rid of mice

If you think that you have sealed all the holes in your home, then you have done a good job; however, mice know how to wiggle their way into your home and apartment. Food, shelter, and a suitable place to make their nests all attract mice to your home. If one has all of these, why not make it home? Mice mostly sneak into homes in the winter for warm shelter, plenty of food and cozy stuff to make their nests & give birth to their babies .

2. Natural Remedies vs. Commercial Mouse Poisons:

When you decide to get rid of mice, there are two ways to kill them or get rid of them instantly:

  • Natural Remedies 
  • Commercial Mouse Poison

Home Remedies for Mouse Killing are a safer and more natural option. These remedies are widely available and inexpensive, and they are safe for children, pets, and wildlife. These remedies, however, are less effective than commercial poisons. But they are safe for your pets & children’s health. Furthermore, mice are known to be wary of new objects, so commercial traps and poisons may be avoided entirely.

Commercial mouse poisons can harm not only mice but also humans and pets. These contain toxic chemicals that cause internal bleeding in mice, eventually killing them. These poisons are more effective than home remedies but must be handled with great care. If a child or pet consumes it, they may become seriously ill or die.

kills mice

Ultimately, the choice between Natural Remedies and Commercial Mouse Poisons depends on your preferences and situation. Natural remedies may be the best option if you are concerned about the safety of your family and pets. Commercial poisons may be a better option if you need a quick and effective solution. Whatever method you choose, it’s important to follow the instructions and take appropriate safety precautions to minimize any risks.

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3. 15 Home Remedies for Killing Mice Instantly:

Here are the suggested 15 home remedies to get rid of mice:

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is a natural mouse repellent. Mice dislike the strong smell of peppermint oil, which can drive them away from your home. Simply soak cotton balls in the oil and place them in mouse entry points.

Cayenne Pepper Powder

The mouse is repulsed by cayenne pepper powder. Cayenne pepper has a strong odor that mice dislike and can help keep them away from your home. Simply sprinkle it around the areas of your home where mice are likely to enter.

Crushed Garlic

Another natural mouse repellent that you can use to get rid of mice is crushed garlic. Garlic’s pungent odor is repulsive to mice, and it can help keep them away from your home. Mice will not enter your home if crushed garlic is placed in areas where they are likely to enter.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural mouse killer that can be used to eliminate mice. By consuming baking soda, carbon dioxide is produced, which can cause mice’s stomachs to burst. Mix baking soda with sugar & place it in an area where the mouse is likely to enter.

Instant Potato mix

By Consuming Instant Potato Mix, the potatoes expand in their stomachs and kill them. To use instant potatoes, combine them with water and place the mixture in areas of your home where mice are likely to enter.

Steel Wool closures

Stuff Steel Wool into Cracks or Holes that mice may be using to enter your home. Mice cannot chew through steel wool, so it can help keep them at bay.

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Ammonia balls

The strong odor of Ammonia is repulsive to mice and can help keep them away from your home. Soak a few cotton balls in ammonia and place them in areas where mice are likely to enter your home.

Instant Coffee mix

When mice consume Instant Coffee, they become dehydrated and die. To use instant coffee, combine it with sugar and place it in areas of your home where mice are likely to enter.

Bay Leaves

You can use bay leaves as a natural mouse repellent to get rid of mice. The strong odor of bay leaves repels mice and can help keep them away from your home. Simply place bay leaves in areas where mice are likely to enter your home.

Onions pieces

Mice are naturally repulsed by chopped onions. Onions have a strong odor that mice dislike, which can help keep them away from your home.

Place chopped onions near mouse nests and entry points.

Use Ultrasonic Repellents

Ultrasonic repellents are electronic devices that produce high-frequency sound waves that mice dislike. Humans and pets cannot hear the sound waves, but they can keep mice away from your home.

Essential Oils spray

Natural mouse repellents include essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, and citronella. These oils’ strong scent is repulsive to mice and can help keep them away from your home. Mix a few drops of essential oil with water and spray it in areas where mice are likely to enter your home.

Mouse Traps

Mouse traps are a tried-and-true method of getting rid of mice. Snap traps, glue traps, and live traps are some of the mouse traps available in the market. Place mouse traps in areas where mice are likely to enter your home and bait them with mouse-friendly food.

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Seal Small Holes

To prevent mice from entering your home, it is essential to seal all the entry points that mice may be using. You can use caulking, mesh wire, or foam to seal any cracks or holes that mice may be using to enter your home.

Keep your House Clean 

Keeping your house clean and tidy is one of the most effective ways to prevent mice from entering your home. Mice are attracted to food scraps and clutter, so keeping your house clean and free from clutter can help keep them away.

The remedies listed above will undoubtedly assist you in getting rid of mice and keeping them at bay. You must use these remedies with caution because some people may be allergic to certain ingredients.

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